Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Shark Fin Soup 2

Shark fin soup 2

I have always had an interest in sharks, no matter how vicious and deadly they sounded. It turns out that sharks are more scared of us then we are of them. I even found out that only 5 people are killed by sharks every year, while over 1,200,000 people are killed in car crashes and 8,000,000 die from starvation. A shark will never actually eat a person; most shark attacks are provoked by careless fishermen and divers. We are actually the ones who are eating sharks!
An example of a food we eat that is made of sharks is called shark fin soup. The soup got its name because it contains the cartilage of a shark fin. The fin is actually tasteless and only brings texture to the soup. Normally, people would catch a shark and cut off its fins while it is still alive. The shark is then thrown back into the ocean to make room for more fins. Without its fins, the shark would not be able to swim and would either drown, or be eaten by other predators. It’s the same as cutting off a person’s legs and arms and leaving them to die.
Some people don’t like the idea of eating sharks; because of this sharks are sometimes sold as grayfish or huss. Sharks are also used as a replacement for the fish in fish and chips.
I hope that people stop killing sharks because sharks are critically endangered and they keep fish populations healthy and in proper balance. Without sharks, life in the oceans would end.

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